Learning To Let Go Of What No Longer Resonates With You

On July 21, 2021 I left a 3-D Corporate job to pursue my new life as a full-time woodworker. Never did I think I would end up where I am now as a Psychic Medium, QHHT Practitioner, and a multi-media Artist.

​I started working at YPG (Yuma Proving Ground) because it was a good paying job, and I could utilize my Bachelors Degree. There were times I wanted to leave and times I thought I would be working there until retirement. My pursuit for spiritual knowledge never stopped because I feel it gave me more opportunities to explore different beliefs. I worked long hours and that gave me time to read a variety of books, listen to podcasts, and talk to people who came from different belief systems. I already had an open mind, but I believe my perception expanded the longer I worked at YPG.

During the 17.5 years, I had a variety of spiritual experiences and there are some I could explain and some I couldn’t. Because I didn’t have formal training and because some of my perceptions were fear based because of religion, I didn’t allow myself to sit with what I was feeling in the moment. There were some experiences I could feel were loving and ones I felt negative, but I now know that is because I didn’t understand boundaries and how to properly use my abilities to find out what presence was around me.

​About 4 years ago, I started to experience severe migraines and I was getting to the point where I believed I was going to have to live with the pain. I sought out a local healer, Sheri Magdeleno, to help me understand what I was experiencing because I knew traditional medicine wasn’t the answer. Every time I went to see my doctor, I had a knowing they wouldn’t have an answer for me. I took a variety of pills and the pain persisted. Sheri helped me to understand my abilities, meditate, understand some of my anxiety through past life regression, and breathwork.

​After Sheri, I worked with other mediums to further my abilities and to seek out other healing modalities. I had my first session with Steph Enora and that session opened a door to repressed memories of sexual trauma I first experienced when I was 3 years old. Once reality hit, there was no turning back. I realized why I behaved certain ways, why I continued to have the same pattern in relationships, and many other reasons. I had the choice to either face what happened to me or continue the same journey. I made the decision to face it, learn from it, and heal. I can now say I learned from my experiences but there are times where I find myself being triggered. When I experience a moment when I am triggered, I sit with myself and allow myself to remember. If I allow myself to see, then I can understand it and take my power back.

​Before working with Steph, I worked up the strength to resign from my position and pursue my dream. During the last two weeks, reality hit and my fears around abundance hit me hard. Eventually, I stayed at YPG but in a different position. That was about the time I started to work with Steph and became one of her Psychic Senses students. The more I dove deeper into my abilities the more I felt the toxicity of where I was working. I thought I could find a way to balance the two, but I was finding it difficult because I stopped believing in the policies and procedures.

Before I turned in my resignation, my Guides had me stand outside of the building where I worked and observe everything. They had me analyze the name Yuma Proving Ground because there was a clue in the name, and it was the word proving. I was trying to prove to myself that I could save people, but you can never truly save your loved ones. When I started to correlate the trauma of my past lives and this current life, I knew I could no longer stay at YPG. I had many past lives where I lost my tribes, solders, kingdom, etc. I realized I spent many lives trying to save everyone I cared for, and this current life wasn’t any different. We all create our realities either out of love or fear and I create my reality out of fear. Again, I was trying to save everyone. When I correlated everything, I realized it was no longer my job to save anyone else. After I came to peace with that fact, the next question was whether I stay or go. I decided to believe in myself and that I am always provided for by the Universe and leave. I had to observe my reality from a different perspective to finally say, “I am done.”

​July 21, 2021, was my last day and my first day of pursuing my true purpose in this lifetime. I am forever grateful for all my experiences because without them I wouldn’t be where I am now. Everything happens in Divine Timing, and you will always know when it is time to let go of what no longer resonates with you. Trust you are always provided for and if it brings you joy then the money will follow.